AHA News' most-read survivor stories of 2024

By ÌÇÐÄVlog News

Doctor-comedian and cardiac arrest survivor, Will Flanary – also known as Dr. Glaucomflecken online. (Photo courtesy of Jessica Gubuan/Bridgetown Pictures)
Doctor-comedian and cardiac arrest survivor Will Flanary – also known as Dr. Glaucomflecken online. (Photo courtesy of Jessica Gubuan/Bridgetown Pictures)

What do a comedian, a mom-to-be and a basketball player have in common? Their tales of strength and survival. Here are the top 5 survivor stories of the year, ranked in order of page views:

1. Even after his cardiac arrest, doctor-comedian finds things to laugh about

Cardiac arrest survivor Will Flanary and his wife and co-survivor, Kristin, have taken their medical dramedy on the road.

2. Healthy runner's stroke followed a bad bout of COVID-19

Elevated blood pressure and her daughter's remark about her garbled speech led Shelley Marshall to the hospital.

3. Heart problem found as a teen flared in her 30s when she was pregnant

At 16, Claire Sprouse learned her aortic valve wasn't working correctly. In her 30s, she was pregnant when her doctors said her valve would give out.

4. NBA hopeful's heart stopped on the court. CPR and an AED saved his life.

Omar Carter was playing in a basketball game when he went into cardiac arrest. He later launched a foundation to help more people learn CPR.

5. Twin sisters uncover rare genetic condition that sent both into heart failure years apart

Sofia and Olivia Hart have a rare genetic condition that caused their hearts to enlarge and fail. Olivia had a transplant. Sofia is living with a device that powers her heart for now.

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